
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const crypto_1 = require("crypto");
const Debug = require("debug");
const _ = require("lodash");
const traverse = require("traverse");
const uuid_1 = require("uuid");
const LinkError_1 = require("./errors/LinkError");
const ValidationError_1 = require("./errors/ValidationError");
const messageComposers = require("./eventComposers");
const helpers_1 = require("./helpers");
const idGenerators_1 = require("./idGenerators");
const typed_redis_helper_1 = require("./typed-redis-helper");
const validators_1 = require("./validators");
const debug = Debug('nohm:model');
const debugPubSub = Debug('nohm:pubSub');
 * The property types that get indexed in a sorted set.
 * This should not be changed since it can invalidate already existing data.
const indexNumberTypes = ['integer', 'float', 'timestamp'];
const eventActions = [
const metaUpdating = [];
 * Redis client for this model
 * @type {redis.RedisClient}
 * @name client
 * @memberof NohmModel#
 * Validation errors that were set during the last call to {@link NohmModel#validate}. (so also during save())
 * The type is an object with property names as keys and then an array with validation
 * names of the validations that failed
 * @type { Object.<string, Array<string>> }
 * @name errors
 * @memberof NohmModel#
 * Name of the model, used for database keys and relation values
 * @type {string}
 * @name modelName
 * @memberof NohmModel#
 * A nohm model class.
 * @abstract
 * @class NohmModel
class NohmModel {
    constructor() {
        this.publish = null;
        if (!this.client) {
            throw new Error('No redis client defined before initializing models.');
        if (!this.meta.inDb) {
        this.properties = new Map();
        this.allPropertiesCache = {
            id: null,
        this.errors = {};
        const definitions = this.getDefinitions();
        const propKeys = Object.keys(definitions);
        debug(`Constructing model with these properties: %j`, propKeys);
        propKeys.forEach((key) => {
            const definition = this.getDefinitions()[key];
            let defaultValue = definition.defaultValue || 0;
            if (typeof defaultValue === 'function') {
                defaultValue = defaultValue();
            this.properties.set(key, {
                __numericIndex: false,
                __oldValue: null,
                __updated: false,
                value: undefined,
            if (typeof definition.type === 'function') {
                // behaviors should not be called on initialization - thus leaving it at defaultValue
                this.setProperty(key, defaultValue, true);
            else {
                this.property(key, defaultValue); // this ensures typecasting
            this.errors[key] = [];
        if (this.options.methods) {
        if (this.options.publish) {
            this.publish = this.options.publish;
        if (!this.options.idGenerator) {
            this.options.idGenerator = 'default';
        this.relationChanges = [];
        this.tmpUniqueKeys = [];
        this._id = null;
        this._isLoaded = false;
        this._isDirty = false;
        this.inDb = false;
    __resetProp(property) {
        const tmp = this.getProperty(property);
        tmp.__updated = false;
        tmp.__oldValue = tmp.value;
        let type = this.getDefinitions()[property].type;
        if (typeof type !== 'string') {
            type = '__notIndexed__';
        tmp.__numericIndex = indexNumberTypes.indexOf(type) > -1;
    addMethods(methods) {
        if (methods) {
            _.each(methods, (method, name) => {
                if (typeof this[name] !== 'undefined') {
                    const errorForStack = new Error('Deprecation warning');
                    setTimeout(() => {
                        // Timeout to make sure we have this.modelName. this function is called in constructor and thus
                        //  doesn't always have modelName yet
                        console.warn('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m', `WARNING: Overwriting existing property/method '${name}' in '${this.modelName}' because of method definition.`);
                        // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
                        `DEPRECATED: Overwriting built-in methods is deprecated. Please migrate them to a different name. Here's a stack to help identify the problem:`, errorForStack.stack);
                    }, 1);
                    this['_super_' + name] = this[name].bind(this);
                debug(`Adding method to model: %s`, method);
                this[name] = method;
    updateMeta(callback) {
        // Check if we're already updating the meta version before setting the timeout.
        // Doing it multiple times is costly. This has the downside of potentially not updating the meta version
        // sometimes when the same model is registered in several nohm instances with different redis databases.
        // However that is a trade-off that seems okay for now. Statistically each redis database should receive the correct
        // meta version over some time.
        // TODO: investigate whether acquiring a lock in the db has enough merit in this case
        if (metaUpdating.includes(this.meta.version)) {
        process.nextTick(async () => {
            // Defer execution to the next process tick.
            // Since we don't have the modelName in some cases in immediate execution this is required.
            // However it also has the added benefit of making meta updates decoupled from the calling operation.
            // Check if we're already updating the meta version again to make sure it didn't happen in the meantime
            if (metaUpdating.includes(this.meta.version)) {
            const versionKey = this.rawPrefix().meta.version + this.modelName;
            const idGeneratorKey = this.rawPrefix().meta.idGenerator + this.modelName;
            const propertiesKey = this.rawPrefix().meta.properties + this.modelName;
            try {
                const dbVersion = await typed_redis_helper_1.get(this.client, versionKey);
                if (this.meta.version !== dbVersion) {
                    const properties = traverse(this.meta.properties).map((x) => {
                        if (typeof x === 'function') {
                            return String(x);
                        else {
                            return x;
                    const generator = this.options.idGenerator || 'default';
                    debug(`Setting meta for model '%s' with version '%s' and idGenerator '%s' to %j.`, this.modelName, this.meta.version, generator, properties);
                    await Promise.all([
                        typed_redis_helper_1.set(this.client, idGeneratorKey, generator.toString()),
                        typed_redis_helper_1.set(this.client, propertiesKey, JSON.stringify(properties)),
                        typed_redis_helper_1.set(this.client, versionKey, this.meta.version),
                this.meta.inDb = true;
                const updatingIndex = metaUpdating.indexOf(this.meta.version);
                if (updatingIndex !== -1) {
                    metaUpdating.splice(updatingIndex, 1);
                if (typeof callback === 'function') {
                    callback(null, this.meta.version);
            catch (err) {
                if (typeof callback === 'function') {
                    callback(err, this.meta.version);
    generateMetaVersion() {
        const hash = crypto_1.createHash('sha1');
        const idGenerator = this.options.idGenerator || 'default';
        // '' + to make sure that when no definition is set, it doesn't cause an exception here.
        hash.update('' + JSON.stringify(this.getDefinitions()));
        hash.update('' + JSON.stringify(this.modelName));
        return hash.digest('hex');
    p(keyOrValues, value) {
        console.warn('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m', 'DEPRECATED: Usage of NohmModel.p() is deprecated, use NohmModel.property() instead.');
        return this.property(keyOrValues, value);
    prop(keyOrValues, value) {
        console.warn('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m', 'DEPRECATED: Usage of NohmModel.prop() is deprecated, use NohmModel.property() instead.');
        return this.property(keyOrValues, value);
     * Checks if key is a string, nothing else. Used as a type guard
     * @private
     * @param {*} key
     * @returns {string} Name of a property
    isPropertyKey(key) {
        return typeof key === 'string';
     * Read and write properties to the instance.
     * @param {(string | PropertyObject)} keyOrValues Name of the property as string or an object where
     * the keys are the names and the values the new values
     * @param {*} [value] If changing a property and using the .property('string', value) call signature this is the value
     * @returns {(any)} Returns the property as set after type casting
    property(keyOrValues, value) {
        if (!this.isPropertyKey(keyOrValues)) {
            const obj = {};
            Object.keys(keyOrValues).forEach((key) => {
                obj[key] = this.property(key, keyOrValues[key]);
            return obj;
        if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
            debug(`Setting property '%s' to value %o`, keyOrValues, value);
            this.setProperty(keyOrValues, value);
            this.allPropertiesCache[keyOrValues] = this.property(keyOrValues);
        const prop = this.getProperty(keyOrValues);
        let returnValue = prop.value;
        if (this.getDefinitions()[keyOrValues].type === 'json') {
            returnValue = JSON.parse(returnValue);
        debug(`Returning property '%s' with value %o`, keyOrValues, returnValue);
        return returnValue;
    getProperty(key) {
        const prop = this.properties.get(key);
        if (!prop) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid property key '${key}'.`);
        return prop;
    setProperty(key, value, skipCast = false) {
        const prop = this.getProperty(key);
        if (prop.value !== value) {
            if (skipCast) {
                prop.value = value;
                this.allPropertiesCache[key] = value;
            else {
                prop.value = this.castProperty(key, prop, value);
            prop.__updated = prop.value !== prop.__oldValue;
            this.properties.set(key, prop);
    castProperty(key, prop, newValue) {
        const type = this.getDefinitions()[key].type;
        if (typeof type === 'undefined') {
            return newValue;
        debug(`Casting property '%s' with type %o`, key, type);
        if (typeof type === 'function') {
            return type.call(this, String(newValue), key, String(prop.__oldValue));
        switch (type.toLowerCase()) {
            case 'boolean':
            case 'bool':
                return newValue === 'false' ? false : !!newValue;
            case 'string':
                return (!(newValue instanceof String) || newValue.toString() === '') &&
                    typeof newValue !== 'string'
                    ? ''
                    : newValue;
            case 'integer':
            case 'int':
                return isNaN(parseInt(newValue, 10)) ? 0 : parseInt(newValue, 10);
            case 'float':
            case 'number':
                return isNaN(parseFloat(newValue)) ? 0 : parseFloat(newValue);
            case 'date':
            case 'time':
            case 'timestamp':
                let castTimestamp;
                // make it a timestamp aka. milliseconds from 1970
                if (isNaN(newValue) && typeof newValue === 'string') {
                    let timezoneOffset;
                    // see if there is a timezone specified in the string
                    if (newValue.match(/Z$/)) {
                        // UTC timezone in an ISO string (hopefully)
                        timezoneOffset = 0;
                    else {
                        const matches = newValue.match(/(\+|\-)([\d]{1,2})\:([\d]{2})$/);
                        if (matches) {
                            // +/- hours:minutes specified.
                            // calculating offsets in minutes and removing the offset from the string since new Date()
                            // can't handle those.
                            const hours = parseInt(matches[2], 10);
                            const minutes = parseInt(matches[3], 10);
                            timezoneOffset = hours * 60 + minutes;
                            if (matches[1] === '-') {
                                timezoneOffset *= -1;
                            // make sure it is set in UTC here
                            newValue =
                                newValue.substring(0, newValue.length - matches[0].length) +
                        else {
                            timezoneOffset = new Date(newValue).getTimezoneOffset();
                    castTimestamp =
                        new Date(newValue).getTime() - timezoneOffset * 60 * 1000;
                else {
                    castTimestamp = parseInt(newValue, 10);
                return castTimestamp.toString();
            case 'json':
                if (typeof newValue === 'object') {
                    return JSON.stringify(newValue);
                else {
                    try {
                        // already is json, do nothing
                        return newValue;
                    catch (e) {
                        return JSON.stringify(newValue);
                return newValue;
     * Returns an array of all the properties that have been changed since init/load/save.
     * @example
     *   user.propertyDiff('country') ===
     *    [{
     *      key: 'country',
     *      before: 'GB',
     *      after: 'AB'
     *    }]
    propertyDiff(key) {
        // TODO: determine if returning an array is really the best option
        if (key) {
            return [this.onePropertyDiff(key)];
        else {
            const diffResult = [];
            for (const [iterationKey] of this.properties) {
                const diff = this.onePropertyDiff(iterationKey);
                if (diff) {
            return diffResult;
    onePropertyDiff(key) {
        const prop = this.getProperty(key);
        if (prop.__updated) {
            return {
                after: prop.value,
                before: prop.__oldValue,
     * Resets a property to its state as it was at last init/load/save.
     * @param {string} [key] If given only this key is reset
    propertyReset(key) {
        if (key && !this.properties.has(key)) {
            throw new Error('Invalid key specified for propertyReset');
        debug(`Resetting property '%s' (all if empty).`, key);
        this.properties.forEach((prop, innerKey) => {
            if (!key || innerKey === key) {
                prop.__updated = false;
                prop.value = prop.__oldValue;
                this.properties.set(innerKey, prop);
                this.allPropertiesCache[innerKey] = prop.__oldValue;
     *  Get all properties with values either as an array or as json (param true).
    allProperties() {
        // tslint:disable-next-line:prefer-object-spread // ts complains when using spread method here
        return Object.assign({}, this.allPropertiesCache);
     * Save an instance to the database. Updating or Creating as needed depending on if the instance already has an id.
     * @param {ISaveOptions} [options={
     *     silent: false,
     *     skip_validation_and_unique_indexes: false,
     *   }]
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    async save(options) {
        // TODO for v2.1: instead of the old continue_on_link_error behavior, we should
        // add a way to deepValidate before saving. Meaning all relationChanges (only link)
        // get validated and if one of them is not valid, we abort before starting the save
        options = Object.assign({ silent: false, skip_validation_and_unique_indexes: false }, options);
        let action = 'update';
        if (!this.id) {
            action = 'create';
            // create and set a unique temporary id
            // TODO: determine if this is still needed or can be solved more elegantly.
            // for example just ditching manual id creation and use uuid everywhere.
            // that would also make clustered/sharded storage much more straight forward
            // and remove a bit of code here.
            this.id = uuid_1.v4();
        debug(`Saving instance '%s.%s' with action '%s'.`, this.modelName, this.id, action);
        let isValid = true;
        if (options.skip_validation_and_unique_indexes === false) {
            isValid = await this.validate(undefined, true);
            if (!isValid) {
                if (action === 'create') {
                    // remove temp id
                    this.id = null;
                throw new ValidationError_1.ValidationError(this.errors, this.modelName);
        let numIdExisting = 0;
        if (action !== 'create') {
            numIdExisting = await typed_redis_helper_1.sismember(this.client, this.prefix('idsets'), this.id);
        if (action === 'create' && numIdExisting === 0) {
            debug(`Creating new instance '%s.%s' because action was '%s' and numIdExisting was %d.`, this.modelName, this.id, action, numIdExisting);
            await this.create();
            this.inDb = false;
        else {
            this.inDb = true; // allows for some optimizations during .update()
        await this.update(options);
        // TODO: maybe implement some kind of locking mechanism so that an object is not being changed during save.
        this.inDb = true;
        this._isDirty = false;
        this._isLoaded = true;
    async create() {
        const id = await this.generateId();
        await typed_redis_helper_1.sadd(this.client, this.prefix('idsets'), id);
        await this.setUniqueIds(id);
        this.id = id;
    async generateId() {
        let id = null;
        let generator = this.options.idGenerator;
        if (typeof generator === 'function') {
            id = await generator.call(this);
        else {
            if (!generator || !idGenerators_1.idGenerators[generator]) {
                generator = 'default';
            id = await idGenerators_1.idGenerators[generator].call(idGenerators_1.idGenerators, this.client, this.prefix('incrementalIds'));
        if (typeof id !== 'string') {
            id = String(id);
        if (id.includes(':')) {
            // we need to do stuff with redis keys and we separate parts of the redis key by :
            // thus the id cannot contain that character.
            throw new Error('Nohm IDs cannot contain the character ":". Please change your idGenerator!');
        return id;
     * Sets the unique ids of all unique property values in this instance to the given id.
     * Warning: Only use this during create() when overwriting temporary ids!
    async setUniqueIds(id) {
        const mSetArguments = [];
        for (const [key, prop] of this.properties) {
            const isUnique = !!this.getDefinitions()[key].unique;
            const isEmptyString = prop.value === ''; // marking an empty string as unique is probably never wanted
            const isDirty = prop.__updated || !this.inDb;
            if (isUnique && !isEmptyString && isDirty) {
                let value = this.property(key);
                if (this.getDefinitions()[key].type === 'string') {
                    value = value.toLowerCase();
                const prefix = this.prefix('unique');
                mSetArguments.push(`${prefix}:${key}:${value}`, id);
        if (mSetArguments.length !== 0) {
            debug(`Setting all unique indices of model '%s.%s' to new id '%s'.`, this.modelName, this.id, id);
            return typed_redis_helper_1.mset(this.client, mSetArguments);
    async update(options) {
        if (!this.id) {
            throw new Error('Update was called without having an id set.');
        const hmSetArguments = [];
        const client = this.client.multi();
        const isCreate = !this.inDb;
        for (const [key, prop] of this.properties) {
            if (isCreate || prop.__updated) {
                hmSetArguments.push(key, prop.value);
        if (hmSetArguments.length > 1) {
            hmSetArguments.push('__meta_version', this.meta.version);
            client.hmset.apply(client, hmSetArguments);
        await this.setIndices(client);
        await typed_redis_helper_1.exec(client);
        const linkResults = await this.storeLinks(options);
        this.relationChanges = [];
        const linkFailures = linkResults.filter((linkResult) => !linkResult.success);
        if (linkFailures.length > 0) {
            throw new LinkError_1.LinkError(linkFailures);
        let diff;
        if (this.getPublish()) {
            // don't need the diff otherwise
            diff = this.propertyDiff();
        for (const [key] of this.properties) {
        if (!options.silent) {
            if (isCreate) {
            else {
                this.fireEvent('update', diff);
            this.fireEvent('save', diff);
        return linkResults;
    async storeLinks(options) {
        const changeFns = this.relationChanges.map((change) => {
            return async () => {
                // TODO: decide whether silent should actually be overwritten for all cases
                change.options.silent = options.silent;
                let returnArray = [];
                const saveResult = {
                    child: change.object,
                    error: null,
                    parent: this,
                    success: true,
                try {
                    if (!change.object.id) {
                        debug(`Saving %sed '%s' instance from '%s.%s' with relation '%s' because it had no id.`, change.action, change.object.modelName, this.modelName, this.id, change.options.name);
                        await change.object.save(options);
                    await this.saveLinkRedis(change);
                    try {
                        if (typeof change.callback === 'function') {
                            change.callback.call(this, change.action, this.modelName, change.options.name, change.object);
                    catch (e) {
                        // ignore errors thrown by link callback
                catch (err) {
                    const isSubLinkError = err instanceof LinkError_1.LinkError;
                    if (!isSubLinkError && typeof change.options.error === 'function') {
                        try {
                            change.options.error(err, change.object);
                        catch (e) {
                            // ignore errors thrown by link callback
                    if (isSubLinkError) {
                        returnArray = returnArray.concat(err.errors);
                    else {
                        saveResult.success = false;
                        saveResult.error = err;
                return returnArray;
        let saveResults = [];
        // Sequentially go through all the changes and store them instead of parallel.
        // The reason for this behavior is that it makes saving other objects when they don't have an id yet
        // easier and cannot cause race-conditions as easily.
        for (const [, fn] of changeFns.entries()) {
            saveResults = saveResults.concat(await fn());
        return saveResults;
    getRelationKey(otherName, relationName) {
        return `${this.prefix('relations')}:${relationName}:${otherName}:${this.id}`;
    async saveLinkRedis(change) {
        const foreignName = `${change.options.name}Foreign`;
        const command = change.action === 'link' ? 'sadd' : 'srem';
        const relationKeyPrefix = this.rawPrefix().relationKeys;
        const multi = this.client.multi();
        // relation to other
        const toKey = this.getRelationKey(change.object.modelName, change.options.name);
        // first store the information to which other model names the instance has a relation to
        multi[command](`${relationKeyPrefix}${this.modelName}:${this.id}`, toKey);
        // second store the information which specific other model id that relation is referring to
        multi[command](toKey, change.object.stringId());
        // relation from other - same thing in reverse
        const fromKey = change.object.getRelationKey(this.modelName, foreignName);
        multi[command](`${relationKeyPrefix}${change.object.modelName}:${change.object.id}`, fromKey);
        multi[command](fromKey, this.stringId());
        try {
            debug(`Linking in redis.`, this.modelName, change.options.name, command);
            await typed_redis_helper_1.exec(multi);
            if (!change.options.silent) {
                this.fireEvent(change.action, change.object, change.options.name);
        catch (err) {
            if (change.options.error) {
                change.options.error(err, change.object);
            throw err;
    async setIndices(multi) {
        let oldValues = {};
        try {
            if (this.inDb) {
                oldValues = await this.getHashAll(this.id);
        catch (e) {
            if (e.message !== 'not found') {
                throw e;
            } // else { not found just means no old values and it stays {} }
        for (const [key, prop] of this.properties) {
            const isUnique = !!this.getDefinitions()[key].unique;
            const isIndex = !!this.getDefinitions()[key].index;
            const isInDb = oldValues[key] !== undefined;
            const isDirty = prop.value !== oldValues[key];
            const oldValue = oldValues[key];
            // free old uniques
            if (isUnique && isDirty && isInDb) {
                let oldUniqueValue = oldValue;
                if (this.getDefinitions()[key].type === 'string') {
                    oldUniqueValue = oldUniqueValue.toLowerCase();
                debug(`Removing old unique '%s' from '%s.%s' because propUpdated: %o && this.inDb %o.`, key, this.modelName, this.id, prop.__updated, this.inDb);
                multi.del(`${this.prefix('unique')}:${key}:${oldUniqueValue}`, this.nohmClass.logError);
            // set new normal index
            if (isIndex && isDirty) {
                if (prop.__numericIndex) {
                    debug(`Adding numeric index '%s' to '%s.%s'.`, key, this.modelName, this.id, prop.__updated);
                    // we use scored sets for things like "get all users older than 5"
                    const scoredPrefix = this.prefix('scoredindex');
                    multi.zadd(`${scoredPrefix}:${key}`, prop.value, this.stringId(), this.nohmClass.logError);
                debug(`Adding index '%s' to '%s.%s'; isInDb: '%s'; newValue: '%s'; oldValue: '%s'.`, key, this.modelName, this.stringId(), isInDb, prop.value, oldValue);
                const prefix = this.prefix('index');
                if (isInDb) {
                    multi.srem(`${prefix}:${key}:${oldValue}`, this.stringId(), this.nohmClass.logError);
                multi.sadd(`${prefix}:${key}:${prop.value}`, this.stringId(), this.nohmClass.logError);
    valid(property, setDirectly = false) {
        console.warn('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m', 'DEPRECATED: Usage of NohmModel.valid() is deprecated, use NohmModel.validate() instead.');
        return this.validate(property, setDirectly);
     * Check if one or all properties are valid and optionally set the unique indices immediately.
     * If a property is invalid the {@link NohmModel#errors} object will be populated with error messages.
     * @param {string} [property] Property name if you only want to check one property for validity or
     * null for all properties
     * @param {boolean} [setDirectly=false] Set to true to immediately set the unique indices while checking.
     * This prevents race conditions but should probably only be used internally
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>} Promise resolves to true if checked properties are valid.
    async validate(property, setDirectly = false) {
        const nonUniqueValidations = [];
        for (const [key, prop] of this.properties) {
            if (!property || property === key) {
                this.errors[key] = [];
                nonUniqueValidations.push(this.validateProperty(key, prop));
        let validationResults = await Promise.all(nonUniqueValidations);
        let valid = validationResults.some((result) => result.valid);
        if (!valid) {
            // if nonUniqueValidations failed, we don't want to set uniques while checking them
            setDirectly = false;
        const uniqueValidations = [];
        for (const [key, prop] of this.properties) {
            if (!property || property === key) {
                uniqueValidations.push(this.checkUniques(setDirectly, key, prop));
        const uniqueValidationResults = await Promise.all(uniqueValidations);
        validationResults = validationResults.concat(uniqueValidationResults);
        validationResults.forEach((result) => {
            if (!this.errors[result.key]) {
                this.errors[result.key] = [];
            if (!result.valid) {
                valid = false;
                if (!result.errors || result.errors.length === 0) {
                    throw new Error(`Validation failed but didn't provide an error message. Property name: ${result.key}.`);
                this.errors[result.key] = this.errors[result.key].concat(result.errors);
        if (setDirectly && valid === false) {
            await this.clearTemporaryUniques();
        return valid;
    async validateProperty(key, property) {
        const result = {
            valid: true,
        const validations = this.getDefinitions()[key].validations;
        if (validations) {
            const validatorOptions = {
                old: property.__oldValue,
                optional: false,
                trim: true,
            const validationObjects = validations.map((validator) => this.getValidationObject(validator, key));
            const validationPromises = validationObjects.map(async (validationObject) => {
                if (validationObject.options.optional && !property.value) {
                const valid = await validationObject.validator.call(this, property.value, Object.assign({}, validatorOptions, validationObject.options));
                if (!valid) {
                    result.valid = false;
                    if (!result.errors) {
                        result.errors = [];
            await Promise.all(validationPromises);
        return result;
    getValidationObject(validator, key) {
        if (typeof validator === 'function') {
            const funcName = validator.name || key;
            return {
                name: `custom_${funcName}`,
                options: {},
        else {
            if (typeof validator === 'string') {
                // predefined validator method
                return {
                    name: validator,
                    options: {},
                    validator: validators_1.validators[validator],
            else if (validator && validator.name) {
                // predefined validator method with options
                return {
                    name: validator.name,
                    options: validator.options,
                    validator: validators_1.validators[validator.name],
            else {
                throw new Error(`Bad validation definition for model '${this.modelName}' for validator '${validator}'.`);
    isUpdatedUnique(key, property) {
        const definition = this.getDefinitions()[key];
        if (!definition || !definition.unique) {
            return false;
        if (property.value === '') {
            return false; // empty string is not valid unique value
        if (!property.__updated && this.inDb) {
            // neither updated nor new
            return false;
        return true;
    async isUniqueKeyFree(key, setDirectly) {
        let dbValue;
        if (setDirectly) {
             * We lock the unique value here if it's not locked yet, then later remove the old unique lock
             * when really saving it. (or we free the unique slot if we're not saving)
            dbValue = await typed_redis_helper_1.setnx(this.client, key, this.stringId());
        else {
            dbValue = await typed_redis_helper_1.exists(this.client, key);
        let isFreeUnique = false;
        if (setDirectly && dbValue === 1) {
            // setDirectly === true means using setnx which returns 1 if the value did *not* exist
            isFreeUnique = true;
        else if (!setDirectly && dbValue === 0) {
            // setDirectly === false means using exists which returns 0 if the value did *not* exist
            isFreeUnique = true;
        else if (setDirectly && dbValue === 0) {
            // setDirectly === true means using setnx which returns 1 if the value did *not* exist
            // if it did exist, we check if the unique is the same as the one on this model.
            // see https://github.com/maritz/nohm/issues/82 for use-case
            const dbId = await typed_redis_helper_1.get(this.client, key);
            if (dbId === this.stringId()) {
                isFreeUnique = true;
        debug(`Checked unique '%s' for '%s.%s'. Result: '%s' because setDirectly: '%o' && dbValue: '%d'.`, key, this.modelName, this.id, isFreeUnique, setDirectly, dbValue);
        return isFreeUnique;
    getUniqueKey(key, property) {
        let uniqueValue = property.value;
        if (this.getDefinitions()[key].type === 'string') {
            uniqueValue = String.prototype.toLowerCase.call(property.value);
        return `${this.prefix('unique')}:${key}:${uniqueValue}`;
    async checkUniques(setDirectly, key, property) {
        const successReturn = {
            valid: true,
        const isUpdatedUnique = this.isUpdatedUnique(key, property);
        if (!isUpdatedUnique) {
            return successReturn;
        const uniqueKey = this.getUniqueKey(key, property);
        debug(`Checking unique '%s' for '%s.%s' at '%s'.`, key, this.modelName, this.id, uniqueKey);
        const isFree = await this.isUniqueKeyFree(uniqueKey, setDirectly);
        if (!isFree) {
            return {
                errors: ['notUnique'],
                valid: false,
        return successReturn;
     * Used after a failed validation with setDirectly=true to remove the temporary unique keys
     * @private
     * @param {string} key
     * @param {IProperty} property
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    async clearTemporaryUniques() {
        if (this.tmpUniqueKeys.length > 0) {
            debug(`Clearing temp uniques '%o' for '%s.%s'.`, this.tmpUniqueKeys, this.modelName, this.id);
            const deletes = this.tmpUniqueKeys.map((key) => {
                return typed_redis_helper_1.del(this.client, key);
            await Promise.all(deletes);
     *  Remove an object from the database.
     *  Note: Does not destroy the js object or its properties itself!
     * @param {boolean} [silent=false] Fire PubSub events or not
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
    async remove(silent = false) {
        if (!this.id) {
            throw new Error('The instance you are trying to delete has no id.');
        if (!this.inDb) {
            // make sure we have the db uniques/indices
            await this.load(this.id);
        debug(`Removing '%s.%s'.`, this.modelName, this.id);
        await this.deleteDbCall();
        const oldId = this.id;
        this.id = null;
        if (!silent) {
            this.fireEvent('remove', oldId);
    async deleteDbCall() {
        // TODO: write test for removal of relationKeys - purgeDb kinda tests it already, but not enough
        const multi = this.client.multi();
        multi.srem(this.prefix('idsets'), this.stringId());
        this.properties.forEach((prop, key) => {
            if (this.getDefinitions()[key].unique) {
                let value = prop.__oldValue;
                if (this.getDefinitions()[key].type === 'string') {
                    value = String(value).toLowerCase();
            if (this.getDefinitions()[key].index === true) {
                multi.srem(`${this.prefix('index')}:${key}:${prop.__oldValue}`, this.stringId());
            if (prop.__numericIndex === true) {
                multi.zrem(`${this.prefix('scoredindex')}:${key}`, this.stringId());
        await this.unlinkAll(multi);
        await typed_redis_helper_1.exec(multi);
     * Returns a Promise that resolves to true if the given id exists for this model.
     * @param {*} id
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>}
    async exists(id) {
        return !!(await typed_redis_helper_1.sismember(this.client, this.prefix('idsets'), id));
    async getHashAll(id) {
        const props = {};
        const values = await typed_redis_helper_1.hgetall(this.client, `${this.prefix('hash')}:${id}`);
        if (values === null || Object.keys(values).length === 0) {
            throw new Error('not found');
        Object.keys(values).forEach((key) => {
            if (key === '__meta_version') {
            if (!this.getDefinitions()[key]) {
                // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
                `A hash in the DB contained a key '${key}' that is not in the model definition. This might be because of model changes or database corruption/intrusion.`);
            props[key] = values[key];
        return props;
     * Loads the record from the database.
     * @param {*} id
     * @returns {Object} Resolves with the return of {@link NohmModel.allProperties}
     * of {@link NohmModel.allProperties} after loading
     * @throws {Error('not found')} If no record exists of the given id,
     * an error is thrown with the message 'not found'
     * @memberof NohmModel
    async load(id) {
        if (!id) {
            throw new Error('No id passed to .load().');
        debug(`Loading '%s.%s' at '%s'.`, this.modelName, id);
        const dbProps = await this.getHashAll(id);
        const definitions = this.getDefinitions();
        Object.keys(dbProps).forEach((key) => {
            if (definitions[key].load_pure) {
                // prevents type casting/behavior. especially useful for create-only properties like a createdAt timestamp
                debug(`Loading property '%s' from '%s.%s' as pure (no type casting).`, key, this.modelName, id);
                this.setProperty(key, dbProps[key], true);
            else {
                this.property(key, dbProps[key]);
        this.id = id;
        this.inDb = true;
        this._isDirty = false;
        this._isLoaded = true;
        return this.allProperties();
     * Links one object to another.
     * Does not save the link directly but marks it for the next .save() call.
     * When linking an instance that has not been saved that instance will then be saved during the .save() call
     * on this instance.
     * Note: link names should not end with 'Foreign' as that is an internally used identifier.
     * @example
     *  const user = new UserModel();
     *  const comment = new CommentModel();
     *  await user.load(123);
     *  user.linK(comment, 'author');
     *  await user.save(); // this will save the link to the database and also call .save() on comment
     * @example
     *  // options object typing:
     *  {
     *    error?: (err: Error | string, otherName: string, otherObject: NohmModel) => any;
     *    name: string;
     *    silent?: boolean;
     *  }
     * @param {NohmModel} other The other instance that is being linked
     * @param {(string | ILinkOptions | function)} [optionsOrNameOrCallback] Either a string for the
     *  relation name (default: 'default') or an options object (see example above) or the callback
     * @param {function} [callback] Function that is called when the link is saved.
    link(other, optionsOrNameOrCallback, callback) {
        if (typeof optionsOrNameOrCallback === 'function') {
            callback = optionsOrNameOrCallback;
            optionsOrNameOrCallback = 'default';
        else if (typeof optionsOrNameOrCallback === 'undefined') {
            optionsOrNameOrCallback = 'default';
        const options = this.getLinkOptions(optionsOrNameOrCallback);
            action: 'link',
            object: other,
        debug(`Set link for '%s.%s': %o`, this.modelName, this.id, this.relationChanges[this.relationChanges.length - 1]);
     * Unlinks one object to another.
     * Does not remove the link directly but marks it for the next .save() call.
     * @example
     *  // options object typing:
     *  {
     *    error?: (err: Error | string, otherName: string, otherObject: NohmModel) => any;
     *    name: string;
     *    silent?: boolean;
     *  }
     * @param {NohmModel} other The other instance that is being unlinked (needs to have an id)
     * @param {(string | ILinkOptions | function)} [optionsOrNameOrCallback] Either a string for the
     *  relation name (default: 'default') or an options object (see example above) or the callback
     * @param {function} [callback]
    unlink(other, optionsOrNameOrCallback, callback) {
        if (typeof optionsOrNameOrCallback === 'function') {
            callback = optionsOrNameOrCallback;
            optionsOrNameOrCallback = 'default';
        else if (typeof optionsOrNameOrCallback === 'undefined') {
            optionsOrNameOrCallback = 'default';
        const options = this.getLinkOptions(optionsOrNameOrCallback);
        this.relationChanges.forEach((change, key) => {
            const sameRelationChange = change.options.name === options.name &&
                helpers_1.checkEqual(change.object, other);
            if (sameRelationChange) {
                this.relationChanges.splice(key, 1);
            action: 'unlink',
            object: other,
        debug(`Set unlink for '%s.%s': %o`, this.modelName, this.id, this.relationChanges[this.relationChanges.length - 1]);
    getLinkOptions(optionsOrName) {
        if (typeof optionsOrName === 'string') {
            return {
                name: optionsOrName,
        else {
            return Object.assign({ name: 'default' }, optionsOrName);
    isMultiClient(client) {
        return client && typeof client.exec === 'function';
     * Unlinks all relations a record has to all other models.
     * @param {(redis.RedisClient | redis.Multi)} [givenClient]
     * @returns {Promise<void>}
     * @memberof NohmModel
    async unlinkAll(givenClient) {
        let multi;
        if (this.isMultiClient(givenClient)) {
            multi = givenClient;
        else if (givenClient) {
            multi = givenClient.multi();
        else {
            multi = this.client.multi();
        // remove outstanding relation changes
        this.relationChanges = [];
        const relationKeysKey = `${this.rawPrefix().relationKeys}${this.modelName}:${this.id}`;
        const keys = await typed_redis_helper_1.smembers(this.client, relationKeysKey);
        debug(`Removing links for '%s.%s': %o.`, this.modelName, this.id, keys);
        const others = keys.map((key) => {
            const matches = key.match(/:([\w]*):([\w]*):[^:]+$/i);
            if (!matches) {
                throw new Error('Malformed relation key found in the database! ' + key);
            // selfName is the name of the relation as it is on this instance
            const selfRelationName = matches[1];
            const otherModelName = matches[2];
            const namedMatches = matches[1].match(/^([\w]*)Foreign$/);
            const otherRelationName = namedMatches
                ? namedMatches[1]
                : matches[1] + 'Foreign';
            return {
                otherIdsKey: `${this.rawPrefix().relations}${otherModelName}:${otherRelationName}:${this.modelName}:`,
                ownIdsKey: `${this.prefix('relations')}:${selfRelationName}:${otherModelName}:${this.id}`,
        const otherRelationIdsPromises = others.map((item) => this.removeIdFromOtherRelations(multi, item));
        await Promise.all(otherRelationIdsPromises);
        // add multi'ed delete commands for other keys
        others.forEach((item) => multi.del(item.ownIdsKey));
        // if we didn't get a multi client from the callee we have to exec() ourselves
        if (!this.isMultiClient(givenClient)) {
            await typed_redis_helper_1.exec(multi);
    This method is doubly asynchronous:
    First it returns a promise that gets resolved when the ids have been fetched that need to be used as keys for
    removing this.id from relations to others.
    Secondly it adds an SREM to the multi redis client.
    async removeIdFromOtherRelations(multi, item) {
        const ids = await typed_redis_helper_1.smembers(this.client, item.ownIdsKey);
        ids.forEach((id) => {
            multi.srem(`${item.otherIdsKey}${id}`, this.stringId());
     * Resolves with true if the given object has a relation (optionally with the given relation name) to this.
     * @param {NohmModel} obj
     * @param {string} [relationName='default']
     * @returns {Promise<boolean>}
    async belongsTo(obj, relationName = 'default') {
        if (!this.id || !obj.id) {
            throw new Error('Calling belongsTo() even though either the object itself or the relation does not have an id.');
        return !!(await typed_redis_helper_1.sismember(this.client, this.getRelationKey(obj.modelName, relationName), obj.id));
     * Returns an array of the ids of all objects that are linked with the given relation.
     * @param {string} otherModelName
     * @param {string} [relationName='default']
     * @returns {Promise<Array<any>>}
    async getAll(otherModelName, relationName = 'default') {
        if (!this.id) {
            throw new Error(`Calling getAll() even though this ${this.modelName} has no id. Please load or save it first.`);
        const relationKey = this.getRelationKey(otherModelName, relationName);
        const ids = await typed_redis_helper_1.smembers(this.client, relationKey);
        if (!Array.isArray(ids)) {
            return [];
        else {
            return ids;
     * Returns the number of links of a specified relation (or the default) an instance has to
     * models of a given modelName.
     * @param {string} otherModelName Name of the model on the other end of the relation.
     * @param {string} [relationName='default'] Name of the relation
     * @returns {Promise<number>}
    async numLinks(otherModelName, relationName = 'default') {
        if (!this.id) {
            throw new Error(`Calling numLinks() even though this ${this.modelName} has no id. Please load or save it first.`);
        const relationKey = this.getRelationKey(otherModelName, relationName);
        return typed_redis_helper_1.scard(this.client, relationKey);
     * Finds ids of objects by search arguments
     * @see https://maritz.github.io/nohm/#finding
     * @param {ISearchOptions} searches
     * @returns {Promise<Array<any>>}
    async find(searches = {}) {
        const structuredSearches = this.createStructuredSearchOptions(searches);
        const uniqueSearch = structuredSearches.find((search) => search.type === 'unique');
        if (uniqueSearch) {
            debug(`Finding '%s's with uniques:\n%o.`, this.modelName, this.id, uniqueSearch);
            return this.uniqueSearch(uniqueSearch);
        const onlySets = structuredSearches.filter((search) => search.type === 'set');
        const onlyZSets = structuredSearches.filter((search) => search.type === 'zset');
        if (onlySets.length === 0 && onlyZSets.length === 0) {
            // no valid searches - return all ids
            return typed_redis_helper_1.smembers(this.client, `${this.prefix('idsets')}`);
        debug(`Finding '%s's with these searches (sets, zsets):\n%o,\n%o.`, this.modelName, this.id, onlySets, onlyZSets);
        const setPromises = this.setSearch(onlySets);
        const zSetPromises = this.zSetSearch(onlyZSets);
        const searchResults = await Promise.all([setPromises, zSetPromises]);
        if (onlySets.length !== 0 && onlyZSets.length !== 0) {
            // both searches - form intersection of them
            const intersection = _.intersection(searchResults[0], searchResults[1]);
            return intersection;
        else {
            // only one form of search
            if (onlySets.length !== 0) {
                return searchResults[0];
            else {
                return searchResults[1];
    createStructuredSearchOptions(searches) {
        return Object.keys(searches).map((key) => {
            const search = searches[key];
            if (typeof search === 'undefined') {
                throw new Error('Invalid find() options.'); // this shouldn't occur
            const prop = this.getProperty(key);
            const definition = this.getDefinitions()[key];
            const structuredSearch = {
                options: {},
                type: 'undefined',
                value: search,
            if (definition.unique) {
                if (definition.type === 'string') {
                    if (typeof search !== 'string') {
                        throw new Error(
                        // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length
                        'Invalid search parameters: Searching for a unique (type "string") with a non-string value is not supported.');
                    structuredSearch.value = search.toLowerCase();
                structuredSearch.type = 'unique';
            else {
                if (!prop.__numericIndex && !definition.index) {
                    throw new Error(`Trying to search for non-indexed and non-unique property '${key}' is not supported.`);
                const isDirectNumericSearch = !isNaN(parseInt(search, 10));
                const isSimpleIndexSearch = !prop.__numericIndex || isDirectNumericSearch;
                if (!isSimpleIndexSearch && prop.__numericIndex) {
                    structuredSearch.type = 'zset';
                    structuredSearch.options = search;
                else if (definition.index === true) {
                    structuredSearch.type = 'set';
            return structuredSearch;
    async uniqueSearch(options) {
        const key = `${this.prefix('unique')}:${options.key}:${options.value}`;
        const id = await typed_redis_helper_1.get(this.client, key);
        if (id) {
            return [id];
        else {
            return [];
    async setSearch(searches) {
        const keys = searches.map((search) => {
            return `${this.prefix('index')}:${search.key}:${search.value}`;
        if (keys.length === 0) {
            // shortcut
            return [];
        return typed_redis_helper_1.sinter(this.client, keys);
    async zSetSearch(searches) {
        const singleSearches = await Promise.all(searches.map((search) => this.singleZSetSearch(search)));
        return _.intersection(...singleSearches);
    singleZSetSearch(search) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const key = `${this.prefix('scoredindex')}:${search.key}`;
            let command = 'zrangebyscore';
            const options = Object.assign({ endpoints: '[]', limit: -1, max: '+inf', min: '-inf', offset: 0 }, search.options);
            if ((options.min === '+inf' && options.max !== '+inf') ||
                (options.max === '-inf' && options.min !== '-inf') ||
                parseFloat('' + options.min) > parseFloat('' + options.max)) {
                command = 'zrevrangebyscore';
            if (options.endpoints === ')') {
                options.endpoints = '[)';
            const endpoints = [
                options.endpoints[0] === '(' ? '(' : '',
                options.endpoints[1] === ')' ? '(' : '',
            const callback = (err, ids) => {
                if (err) {
                else {
            if (options.limit) {
                this.client[command](key, endpoints[0] + options.min, endpoints[1] + options.max, 'LIMIT', options.offset, options.limit, callback);
            else {
                this.client[command](key, endpoints[0] + options.min, endpoints[1] + options.max, callback);
     * Sort records by some criteria and return the sorted ids.
     * @see https://maritz.github.io/nohm/#sorting
     * @param {Object} [options={}]
     * @param {(Array<string> | false)} [ids=false]
     * @returns {Promise<Array<string>>}
    async sort(options = {}, ids = false) {
        if (!Array.isArray(ids)) {
            ids = false;
        if (ids && ids.length === 0) {
            return [];
        if (Array.isArray(ids) && options === {}) {
            return ids.map((id) => String(id)).sort();
        if (!options.field || !this.properties.has(options.field)) {
            throw new Error(`Invalid field in ${this.modelName}.sort() options: '${options.field}'`);
        const fieldType = this.getDefinitions()[options.field].type;
        const isIndexed = this.getDefinitions()[options.field].index;
        const alpha = options.alpha || (fieldType === 'string' ? 'ALPHA' : undefined);
        const direction = options.direction ? options.direction : 'ASC';
        const scored = typeof fieldType === 'string' && isIndexed
            ? indexNumberTypes.includes(fieldType)
            : false;
        let start = 0;
        let stop = 100;
        if (Array.isArray(options.limit) && options.limit.length > 0) {
            start = options.limit[0];
            if (scored) {
                // the limit arguments for sets and sorted sets work differently
                // stop is a 0-based index from the start of all zset members
                stop = options.limit[1] ? start + options.limit[1] : start + stop;
            else {
                // stop is a 1-based index from the defined start limit (the wanted behavior)
                stop = options.limit[1] || stop;
        let idsetKey = this.prefix('idsets');
        let zsetKey = `${this.prefix('scoredindex')}:${options.field}`;
        const client = this.client.multi();
        let tmpKey = '';
        debug(`Sorting '%s's with these options (this.id, alpha, direction, scored, start, stop, ids):`, this.modelName, this.id, alpha, direction, scored, start, stop, ids);
        if (ids) {
            // to get the intersection of the given ids and all ids on the server we first
            // temporarily store the given ids either in a set or sorted set and then return the intersection
            if (scored) {
                tmpKey =
                    zsetKey +
                        ':tmp_sort:' +
                        +new Date() +
                        Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000);
                const tempZaddArgs = [tmpKey];
                ids.forEach((id) => {
                    tempZaddArgs.push('0', id);
                }); // typecast because redis doesn't care about numbers/string
                client.zadd.apply(client, tempZaddArgs);
                client.zinterstore([tmpKey, 2, tmpKey, zsetKey]);
                zsetKey = tmpKey;
            else {
                tmpKey =
                    idsetKey +
                        ':tmp_sort:' +
                        +new Date() +
                        Math.ceil(Math.random() * 1000);
                client.sadd.apply(client, ids); // typecast because redis doesn't care about numbers/string
                client.sinterstore([tmpKey, tmpKey, idsetKey]);
                idsetKey = tmpKey;
        if (scored) {
            const method = direction && direction === 'DESC' ? 'zrevrange' : 'zrange';
            client[method](zsetKey, start, stop);
        else {
            const args = [
            if (alpha) {
                // due to the way ioredis handles input parameters, we have to do this weird apply and append thing.
                // when just passing in an undefined value it throws syntax errors because it attempts to add that as an actual
                // parameter
            client.sort.apply(client, args);
        if (ids) {
        const replies = await typed_redis_helper_1.exec(client);
        let reply;
        if (ids) {
            // 2 redis commands to create the temp keys, then the query
            reply = replies.splice(2, 1)[0];
        else {
            reply = replies.splice(0, 1)[0];
        replies.forEach((otherReply) => {
            if (otherReply instanceof Error) {
                const errorMessage = otherReply.stack
                    ? otherReply.stack
                    : otherReply.message;
                this.nohmClass.logError(`Error during ${this.modelName}.sort() multi.exec(): ${errorMessage}`);
        if (reply instanceof Error) {
            // multi responses are returned as arrays and each item can be an error
            // if the reply of the sort command that gives us our ids fails, we want to throw
            throw reply;
        else {
            return reply;
     * Returns the property definitions of this model.
     * @returns {Object}
    getDefinitions() {
        const definitions = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).definitions;
        if (!definitions) {
            throw new Error(`Model was not defined with proper static definitions: '${this.modelName}'`);
        return definitions;
    fireEvent(event, ...args) {
        if (!this.getPublish()) {
            // global or model specific setting for publishing events is false.
        if (eventActions.indexOf(event) < 0) {
            const supported = eventActions.join(', ');
            this.nohmClass.logError('Cannot fire an unsupported action. Was "' +
                event +
                '" ' +
                'and must be one of ' +
        const composer = messageComposers[event] || messageComposers.defaultComposer;
        const payload = composer.apply(this, args);
        const message = JSON.stringify(payload);
        debugPubSub(`Firing event '%s' for '%s': %j.`, event, this.modelName, payload);
        this.client.publish(`${this.prefix('channel')}:${event}`, message);
    getPublish() {
        if (this.publish !== null) {
            return this.publish;
        else {
            return this.nohmClass.getPublish();
     * Subscribe to nohm events for this model.
     * @param {string} eventName One of 'create', 'update', 'save', 'remove', 'unlink', 'link'
     * @param {function} callback
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves after the subscription has been set up.
     * @memberof NohmModel
    async subscribe(eventName, callback) {
        debugPubSub(`Subscribing to event '%s' for '%s'.`, eventName, this.modelName);
        await this.nohmClass.subscribeEvent(`${this.modelName}:${eventName}`, callback);
     * Subscribe to only the next occurrence of an event for this model.
     * @param {string} eventName One of 'create', 'update', 'save', 'remove', 'unlink', 'link'
     * @param {function} callback
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves after the subscription has been set up.
     * @memberof NohmModel
    async subscribeOnce(eventName, callback) {
        debugPubSub(`Subscribing once to event '%s' for '%s'.`, eventName, this.modelName);
        await this.nohmClass.subscribeEventOnce(`${this.modelName}:${eventName}`, callback);
     * Unsubscribe from an event.
     * @param {string} eventName One of 'create', 'update', 'save', 'remove', 'unlink', 'link'
     * @param {function} [fn] If a function is given, only that function is removed as a listener.
     * @memberof NohmModel
    unsubscribeEvent(eventName, fn) {
        debugPubSub(`Unsubscribing from event '%s' for '%s' with fn?: %s.`, eventName, this.modelName, fn);
        this.nohmClass.unsubscribeEvent(eventName, fn);
    get id() {
        return this._id;
     * ID of the record.
     * You can manually set it, but that doesn't automatically load it.
     * @memberof NohmModel
    set id(id) {
        if (id === null) {
            this._id = null;
            this._isLoaded = false;
            this._isDirty = false;
            this.allPropertiesCache.id = null;
        const stringifiedId = String(id);
        if (this._id !== stringifiedId) {
            this._id = stringifiedId;
            this._isLoaded = false;
            this._isDirty = true;
            this.allPropertiesCache.id = this._id;
    stringId() {
        return typeof this._id === 'string' ? this._id : '';
     * Returns true if the model has been loaded from the database.
     * @readonly
     * @type {boolean}
     * @memberof NohmModel
    get isLoaded() {
        return this._isLoaded;
     * True if there are any unsaved changes. This is triggered by changing the id manually,
     * using .link()/.unlink() and changing properties from their stored state.
    get isDirty() {
        if (this._isDirty) {
            return true;
        if (this.relationChanges.length > 0) {
            return true;
        const propDiffs = this.propertyDiff();
        if (propDiffs.length > 0) {
            return true;
        return false;
NohmModel.definitions = {};
exports.NohmModel = NohmModel;
exports.default = NohmModel;
//# sourceMappingURL=model.js.map